I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday: Do you want to figure out how to change birthday on facebook but don’t know how to go about it? 
If your answer is yes, here is a facebook post that teaches every single thing you need to know and do about changing your birthday on facebook step by step.

See: how to view your facebook blocked list and unblock friends

So if you are in dire need of how to change your birthday on facebook, this article got you covered. 
Continue reading below and please don’t forget to share this article with your friends and loved ones!!!
I Want To Change My Facebook birthday
When you sign up for a Facebook account you are asked to enter information about you including your birthday.

The majority of Facebook users will probably get that right, but it can happen that you pick the wrong date either accidentally or on purpose if you do not want to reveal your true age to the social networking site.

This could lead to issues in the past, for instance when Facebook requested identification to prove your existence to them, or when you noticed that the wrong birthday was associated with your profile.

Change your birthday on Facebook

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

Facebook made it a lot easier recently when it comes to changing the birthday. Previously, it did not allow you to change the birthday directly using the edit profile option provided on the site which meant you had to request a change instead (the old guide is attached to the article).

This is no longer the case, fortunately, which means that you can change the birthday on Facebook directly and without delay at any time, provided you have access to your profile.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Open your Facebook Profile page. You can do that by clicking on your name next to search at the top of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Update Info” on the page. You find the link in the header area on the right of your name.
  3. Switch to the “Overview” option when the “about section” opens on Facebook.
  4. There you find listed your current birthday. Move the mouse cursor over it, and select “edit your contact and basic info” link that appears with the left mouse button.
  5. Locate “Basic Information” on the page and move the mouse cursor over the birth date or birth year. When you do so, an edit option becomes available. Click on it.
  6. Change the birth month, year and day and click on the “save changes” button afterward.
  7. Congratulations, you have just changed the birthday on Facebook.

Q and A on How to change the date of birth on Facebook from Forum
I have a problem that’s been bugging me for a long time.

When I joined Facebook I put in a fake birth date because I was too young to open an account at the time.

Now I want to change it to show my real birthday. How do I do that?

Answer: It’s pretty easy to change your birth date on Facebook, Mandy. Just follow the instructions below for the device you’re using:

If you’re using Facebook in a web browser on a laptop or desktop PC…

1 – Log in to your Facebook account and click on your name in to display your Timeline.

2 – Click the About link.

3 – Click the Contact and Basic Info link in the left-hand column.

4 – Hover your mouse over the “Birth Date” line end click the Edit button that pops up.

5 – Change the Month, Day and Year to reflect the date of your actual birthday.

Note: While you’re here you can optionally hide your birth date from everyone but yourself, and I strongly recommend that you do that.

Your birth date is one of the most important pieces of information for a scammer to have in order to steal your identity so hiding it from everyone but yourself makes sense.

6 – Click Save Changes.

If you’re using the Facebook app on a mobile device…

1 – Open the Facebook app and log in to your account.

2 – Tap on your tiny profile photo (the one beside the box where you type status updates) to display your Timeline page.

3 – Scroll down and tap About.

4 – Scroll down to the “Basic Info” section and tap the pencil icon beside your birth date. You should now see your birth date listed on two separate lines.

5 – Change your birth month, birth day and birth year to make them reflect your actual birth date.

Note: While you’re here you can optionally tap the privacy level icons on the right and hide your birth date from everyone but yourself, and I strongly recommend that you do that.

Your birth date is one of the most important pieces of information for a scammer to have in order to steal your identity so hiding it from everyone but yourself makes sense.

6 – Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and tap Save.

That’s all there is to it. The birth date on your Facebook profile should now be correct.

Changing the date of birth on Facebook Via Link URL
The internet is a worldwide system of inter-connected computer networks consisting of public, private and government networks to serve users. Facebook is one of the major social networking websites used by millions of people who keep in touch with friends, upload photos and share videos and links.

You can even share your personal information like your birthday, hometown, likes, status updates, etc. You can edit your profile to make any necessary changes. For example, to edit your birthday, go to edit profile, then the Birthday section: once there, edit and save the changes.

The number of times you can edit your birthday is limited. You have to wait a few days before you can re-edit this data again.

Changing the date of birth is something that is not possible directly from the “General information” tab of your Facebook account.
You can also do so by clicking here.

Enter the email address associated with your account, then enter your date of birth.

How to change your DOB In5steps approach

Your exact birthdate is collected when you first create your Facebook account: your birth year and birthday (month / day) are stored separately. That lets you show your birthday on your Facebook profile, and hide your age. Both can be made public, or both can be private (visible to you only), but they have to be supplied: part of the reason is that there’s a minimum age to sign up for Facebook, and age restrictions to access various kinds of content on the site.

Once logged into your account, click on your first name in the blue toolbar at the top: this load your profile as seen by others, except that you can edit it.

Click on the About link next to the Timeline, as shown on the screenshot.

Your About section opens, with Overview automatically selected. Click on the “Contact and Basic Info” link (three links down). Under Basic Information -you may need to scroll down a bit to see that section- you’ll see your Birth date and Birth year. The two are kept separate: your birthday is optionally visible to other Facebook users, or at least your friends. Your birth year is always hidden by default. It can be used to grant access to age-limited content or apps.

Move your mouse above your birth day or year, and click on the Edit link to change it. A popup will open with three dropdowns, allowing you to change the month, date, and year. Pick your new values. Before clicking on the Save Changes button to apply that new birthday or birth year to your profile, notice the padlock icon next to each one. Click on it to control who can see your birthday or birth year: “Only Me” (private), “Friends“, or “Public” (everyone).

I hope this helps.

The Majority randomly enters their personal details while registering on Facebook because they find the whole process rather tedious. However, as time passes by, they feel an immediate need to correct erroneous information. If your birthday is close by, and you are expecting a boatload of wishes from your friends, you need to immediately change your birthday on Facebook to ensure your expectations are met. Otherwise, you’re going to get Birthday wishes on a day you weren’t even born, making you a subject of public embarrassment. We certainly don’t want that to happen.

There is a Birthday Change Limit on Facebook
Before I start the tutorial, I want to clarify a couple of things. First of all, there are certain limitations when it comes to changing your birth date on Facebook. You can’t just change your Birthday on Facebook every other day. Facebook has a strict policy on authentic information, and considers such haphazard behavior suspicious. If you have exceeded the Birthday change limit, you will need to contact a Facebook representative via email to help you out or wait for a couple of days until the change limit is reset.

Changing the Privacy of Your Birthday
Secondly, if you don’t want anyone to know about your birthday on Facebook, you can adjust the privacy of your birthday to private. How can you do that? When you’re changing your birthday, you get the option to select your audience on the basis of month and year. Your Facebook friends will not be notified if you don’t share the month and day with them. I will show you how to change the privacy in this tutorial with picture instructions. Don’t worry!

Facebook is a social media giant where you can choose to share your personal information with millions of users. Its interconnected nature is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse. Cyber crime starts with social media, when exploiter steals your personal information to blackmail you. We would highly suggest that personal information, such as your Birthday is only shared with trusted friends and family. You might think we’re being paranoid, but trust me, our fears have a justifiable basis.

Tutorial: How to Change Your Birthday on Facebook (Step-By-Step Instructions)
You can change your Birthday on Facebook using a Smartphone or a PC, however, for your convenience, we’re going to do this tutorial on an Android phone. The process is relatively similar on other platforms as well. Just follow these simple steps to change your Birthday on Facebook.

1. Go to your Facebook timeline on your Facebook App and scroll down to About.

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

2. In the next window, scroll down to More About you and tap on the arrow beside it.

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

3. Tap Edit info right next to Basic Info.

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

4. On the Edit profile screen, scroll down to Birthdayand change the date, month or year of your birthday according to your preferences. You can also change the privacy of your Birthday from the following buttons.

I Want To Change My Facebook birthday

Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do If Facebook doesn’t let me change my birthday?

You can do two things in this situations. You can either wait for a couple of days before permission to edit birthday is granted or you can contact a Facebook representative if the change is imperative.

Can I change the privacy of my Birthday?

Yes, you certainly can. While editing your birthday on Facebook, select the buttons right next to your birthday to set the privacy of your birthday to public or private.

What If I celebrate my Birthday according to Indian traditions? I mean my date of birth changes every year but Facebook fails to accommodate that change?

Unfortunately, Facebook hasn’t introduced a feature to help you out in this regard just yet. But, in the future, Mark Zuckerberg might notice this limitation on his platform and make some much needed adjustments for our Hindu brothers.

So, here it is folks! This is how simple and easy it is to change your birthday on Facebook. Just a few simple steps and you’ve successfully edited your birth date. Now, all you have to tend to is the copious amount of wishes on your timeline. You deserve the affection, attention, and love from your Facebook friends. We all do!

Also, if your birthday is nearby, we would like to wish you a Happy Birthday in advance. I mean, we won’t be able to do so if you’ve set the privacy of your profile to private and what better platform to communicate than this blog? Cheeky, aren’t we?

That is it on I Want To Change My Facebook birthday.

I hope this article was helpful.

Please share!!!

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